EZ Quit – Anti Smoking Pills Dietary Supplement 1 bottle contains 60 capsules.
Money Back Guarantee. Being addicted to smoking is one of the hardest to break
addictions, with nicotine being more addictive (and deadly) than heroin. With
EZ Quit it has never been easier to start a new healthy lifestyle, and be
totally nicotine free from day one. The EZ Quit program will help you to
become smoke free immediately, while eliminating the major side effects
related to nicotine withdrawal. The nicotine content in your body will fade
off quickly, and to help you speed up this process, EZ Quit contains
antioxidants to help detoxify your body and get rid of the nicotine. You will
quit smoking from day 1, however the course of pills will take 8 weeks to
complete, and consists of 2 bottles (120 pills). First you will plan a date of
which will be your last cigarette, the night before you quit, take 2 pills of
EZ Quit. From then take 3 pills per day for the next 3 weeks (morning, noon,
evening). You may smoke upto 5 cigarettes per day for the first week, if you
really need to. But none the following weeks. By week 4 you will lower the
dosage to 2 pills per day (morning and evening) for a 2 further weeks and then
1 pill per day every morning until you have used all of the pills.
- Ez Quit – quit smoking supplement